A hint of Dutch ~ Saucijzenbroodjes

So yes, we all know one should never go shopping when hungry. I always make sure I eat something prior, but well that doesn't always work out...
The other day I was at our local Stop and Shop and they had rolls of pizza dough and puff pastry with the tempting price of buy 1 get 1 free. So as you can guess I got 2 of each. Pizza dough goes quickly at my house, as I usually make the boys one for lunch. But what was I going to do with the puff pastry? I decided to start looking for Dutch snacks with bladerdeeg as we call it in the Netherlands. I came across saucijzenbroodjes, sausage pastries. As a child growing up, I loved these so much. We would get them at Altena, the bakery in Kerckebosch. Such good memories from many years ago. So I decided to make this simple version, which is really simple and this is one of those recipes that a child could prepare. Yes, that simple, trust me.

I used Italian mild sausage (I used about 2/3 of the sausage shown in the picture), a sheet of puff pastry, 1 egg yolk, and about 3 tablespoons of milk.

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees, in the meantime divide the puff pastry in 6 equal pieces. Knead the sausage into a roll and divide into 6 equal pieces, and put each piece on a piece of puff pastry. I made sure the sausage didn't go all the way to the edge of the pastry, giving me the chance to tuck the edges together. Quickly whisk the egg yolk and 3 tablespoons of milk together and brush on the dough on both sides of the sausage. Fold the dough over the sausage and tuck the edges together, so you get a nice little package, brush some more of the egg yolk/milk mixture on top and just bake them in the over for about 15-20 minutes or till golden brown.

Very simple to make, and a nice and hearty snack. Enjoy or as we say back home 'Eet smakelijk'!

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